1. The owner of the vehicle must attend to the following instructions.

2. Obtain a CR 4 Form from the Vehicle Theft Section (closed between 1300 hrs and 1400 hrs) inside the Drill Hall or obtain a copy elsewhere.

3. Go to office #15 with the CR 4 form filled out together with your vehicle registration book and copy of your ID and secure the services of an officer to inspect your vehicle details such as engine and chassis numbers (as per export procedure). This must between 0900 hrs and 1300 hrs.

4. This officer will check your engine block against the CR 4 form and endorse it at the top.

5. Next step is to take this form to the Vehicle Theft Section around to the right hand side of the Drill Hall, to a prefabricated office and ask the officer there to write out a police report detailing how the third number plate was damaged.

6. Take this form and your other vehicle details back to office #15.

7. You will be told when to return to collect your stamped documents necessary for the next step.

8. Return at the required time, collect your documents and proceed to the Main Post Office and go to office #3 on your right as you enter.

9. Obtain photocopies of your registration book, ID, CR4 form and Police Report.

10. Proceed to office #8 and pay $35 and obtain a receipt.

11. Go back to office #3 and obtain a photocopy of the receipt.

12. Proceed to the back of the post office to the courier window in the parcels section.

13. The staff will assist you with completing consignment documentation and pay $10.

14. Retain your copies as instructed and await a phone call or text message advising you when the third number plate arrives in Bulawayo for collection.

15. If challenged at a road block present the copy of your receipt.

NOTE: Affidavits are not accepted and you must obtain a police report as above. All staff involved are pleasant and helpful


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