My Bulawayo sat down with the ever smiling  , empowered ladies hosting the 1000-1200 The Hangout, mid day magazine show on Skyzmetro 100.3fm,Patience Phiri and Donna Ncube. Together they  make up the   Hangout team. My Bulawayo (MB) , Patience Phiri (PP) and Donna Ncube (DN)


MB. Tell us about yourself

PP. Patience Phiri is woman as always, i am a cocoa butter, a  headwraps addict, am a fun loving  person who is proudly from Bulawayo.

DN. am a creative person, i love creativity, I love the Arts sector, I call myself ‘Intombazana yako Ncube’I am Journalist as well and an actor.

MB. Tell us about your educational background

PP. I went to school, Am educated and that is my background


MB. One word to describe yourself

PP. phenomenon

DN. there is no word to describe who Donna is,


Patience Phiri

Patience Phiri

MB.Tell us about the show you host on skyzmetro fm

PP. our show is called the Hangout, I host it with Donna N, we talk about topical issues, we are passionate about women and children’s issues, we are passionate about the environment, we tackle the hard issues and we want to be able to reach out to umuntu ose Ntabazinduna, oseHillside, and in various parts of the world.

MB. Tell us about your love for radio

DN. for me its more of  love for broadcasting, the nature of radio that can make one communicate with people in various parts of the country or continent, people calling in and interacting  for me its amazing and I love radio as i have mentioned i love Arts.


MB. Take us to the first day it was announced that Patience Phiri will be a presenter on the First commercial radio station in Bulawayo

PP. it was amazing that am part of history not just in the radio station but when pictures go up the young ones who come after me, will always remember me as that one individual that made it on the first commercial radio station,everyday we on air its amazing, having different people calling in and interacting with us, its out of this world, am proud to be part of Skyzmetro and being part of the team that makes records its amazing

DN. my very first day i was nervous, knowing there are people who know you and those who do not know you are listening, I was nervous at the same time proud to be part of the first commercial radio station esakoBulawayo njalo esabantu bantu, it was out of this world.

Donna' Intombi YakoNcube'

Donna’ Intombi YakoNcube’

MB. What is diferent about your show that would make a listener leave whatever they are doing and tune in?

DN. it is hosted by two amazing ladies, two awesome ladies, she brings in something i do not have and i bring something she does not have, she inspires me in many aspects that on its own allows us to have connection and be able to deliver the best show in the land. we are pioneers and we are here to stay and make a difference through radio.

PP.what makes our show different is we are real, we are young black girls, achieving our dreams, dreams that many people that have sacrificed for.Whatever you want to dream is possible, our show says nothing is impossible, we are from Bulawayo and here we are, our show gives hope to that listener that their day is coming as well.


MB. What can the listener look foward to on the Hangout?

PP.they should look out for more interactive conversations, they need to look up for a new year that brings in new things,

DN. we do a lot of talking, we get into your space, so the listeners must brace themselves for more Hanging out


MB.  how does it feel to get feedback from people from across and beyond Zimbabwe about your show?

DN.that is amazing now they know there is Bulawayo, and they  are exposed to Bulawayo talent, and the Bulawayo lifestyle. Bulawayo is an amzing place with awesome people, Bulawayo is unique and a special place, radio broadcasted live from the city of Bulawayo, gives the listener outside Bulawayo, the sense of belonging and above all We are here to change the game of broadcasting.

PP. the power of the global village we live in,Its not just Bulawayo people listening to us , we are based in Bulawayo but we get listeners from different parts of the country and the continent and its amazing.


MB. What are some of the problems you have faced as a youth from Bulawayo

DN. i wouldn’t say there are problems but learning curves, this is the first time we have a radio station in Bulawayo,  we have been used to National radios but critiques will come here and there, but we are here to stay and Skyzmetro is the best thing in Bulawayo. again we need support from local people , so as we can take this radio thing foward and deliver what the people want. Support, Support, is very important.

PP.number one young women in the arts are not taken serious, the art industry itself is not taken serious, To be taken serious is a major peoblem, and I wish young women in particular should be taken serious.


MB, what can we be suprised to know about you

PP. (she laughs) people will be suprised to know that i have more lipsticks than shoes.

DN. oh my God that is a hard one right there but, i love action movies, i love soccer


MB. what can you say to the youth out there

PP. do not wish to be like me, go your own path, if you can dream it, you can achieve it

DN.  put everything in God’s hand , with God all things are possible


MB.To wrap our interview ladies Lets play a game, right in this game I give you options, you choose one and tell me why you have choosen that particular item.Right, Patience If you were to choose between lipsticks and the Hangout what will you choose? and Donna between acting and the Hangout choose one.

DN.yooo that is a hard one, half lipstick and half radio (laughs) The Hangout, I can survive a day  without a lipstick

PP. tough one man, acting and radio its Donna. That cannot be separated

@IamBeefactor94 @Mybulawayo @Donna15N @Iamempress


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