In what milestone achievement between two organisations , Youths for innovationTrust and My Bulawayo online publication , fighting against gender violence. 16 days of Activism against gender violence begun with a twitterthon and people sharing their views , pictures on social platforms on the importance of creating an awareness against gender violence.

The 16 days of Activism gainst Gender based violence begin on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women on November 25 and end on International Human Rights Day on December 10. These 16 days are a time to reflect on how women and the girl child have been treated in the society and the entire world.

According to Measuring Violence  against Women  Statistics (February 2013) women . and girls continue to be more at risk of experiencing many forms of violence than men and boys. For example, women are 11 times more likely than men to be a target of police-reported sexual violence.  The society is encouraged to ask itself why and what can it do to create an awareness.

Organisations across Bulawayo took part on the social platforms to discuss the issue of Gender based violence (GBV) these organisations include Youths for innovaation trust in partnership with My Bulawayo ran a twitterthon, the question for this year’s 16days of Activism was “how can we end Gender Based Violence”. Other organisations which echoed their sentiments were Activista Zimbabwe, and ActionAidZim.


Speaking after the twitterthon the managing director of My Bulawayo Mr M Ndebele said” it was a great initiative to engage people in the society,” and applauded all those that participated for a good cause

16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an international campaign originating from the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute sponsored by the Center for Women’s Global Leadership in 1991.   November 25 was choosen because- International Day Against Violence Against Women- and December 10- International Human Rights Day- in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights.

The managing Director from Youth for innovation Trust (YIT) member of Activista Zimbabwe expressed her exctiment on the 16days of Activism ” we reached out to the twitter community got more questions than answers and clearly Gender based violence is still a pressing issue however it has to be redefined according to the changing dynamics”

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